DJ6i Presents CanonBall!

I promised all of you that new music was on its way so here we are! It’s the first full release from DJ6i since Roots Unplugged!  Please take a moment to check out: DJ6i – CanonBall! In this remix, I pay tribute to one of my favorite Baroque period songs… Pachelbel’s Canon. The song is an amazingly soothing melody that is timeless. It’s structure has been used to create some of the most popular songs in the past 20-30 years… everything from Aerosmith to Avril Lavigne and even Bob Marley have used this chord structure.

Although this song is based off the public domain sheet music, I have done a considerable amount of modifications for my own style and of course, added various electronic elements to the piece. It may not be brand new, but it will give my listeners a taste of some other styles that I like and may incorporate in my next EP. Enjoy! And remember, I LOVE commentary, it helps me grow as an artist.


More Music in the Works

Hello out there, I hope my friends are doing well. Unfortunately, I have not been contacted by anyone who likes my music so I can’t really give any ‘shout outs’. Anyhow, the DJ has had his creativity cap on the past few days and I have been working on some new things. I am still working on my newest track, the one that I still have not officially named, but I want to focus on making quality music so the progress has been slow going. Any DJ can grab a bunch of random things and lump them together and it might even sell a little… especially if I put a random female voice track using AutoTune… (Ok… sorry, personal gripe). However, I want to produce music that I am proud to stamp my name on so this next song will not be out until I have it 100% to my quality.

On the other hand, I started a new project recently. I have always loved classical music and one of the most powerful classic songs in my heart is Canon by Pachelbel… the chords in the song and the wonderful moving melody line. Because of that, I have started to create my own interpretation of the song which I lovingly refer to as “CanonBall”. Depending on the copyright guidelines, I may offer this as a downloadable song or I might make it a new song on my next EP. Either way, I hope to have that song available before too long. It is my hope that a modern, electronic spin on this amazing classic will expose the song to new audiences that it was not previously exposed to.

Until then, I want to thank you all again. I am now in the triple digits for profits on my music… that’s right… DJ6i has broken the $1.00 mark! As silly as it may sound, I cannot express how grateful I am that people would take a liking to the music I make and like it enough to pay for it! I am also thankful that it is still possible for an independent artist to make music without being influenced by big record labels. Keep the music independent and the rest of the world will find it!

DJ6i Out!